This is written with a clear bias. I eagerly admit this. The
news story I refer to below, which you may notice is typical of most every news
story since the murders, also has a clear bias, but they will not admit to this.
It was nothing more than an email that made it onto
Facebook. No verification presented. Just another predictably incendiary
response to the flames flying back and forth through the ether these days. But
it struck a nerve with me. It went something like this:
Columbine shooting---both murderers too young to vote, but
both sets of murderers’ parents registered democrats
Virginia Tech shooting-----murderer a registered democrat
Fort Hood shooting---murderer a registered democrat
Colorado Theater shooting---murderer a registered democrat,
Occupy Wall Street protester, Obama campaign worker
Newtown shooting---murderer a registered democrat
Now, I don’t know if any of the above is true, or if party
affiliation matters a whit in the distorted mind workings of a mass murderer.
Most likely not. I have nothing against democrats. Heck, I’ve been a registered
democrat for decades. And other than wonder if Obama has considered that he is
likely to alienate a core constituency if he actually expects his repressive
gun control laws to impact folks longing to follow in the footsteps of these
killers, I don’t care.
But what caught my mind was the point made by the guy who
sent the email. All he did was pose the question, “Has anyone ever heard of a
mass shooting conducted by a member of the NRA?”
This question floats in the air…
I hear every day now that the NRA is the reason those
victims of mass murder are dead, but where are those NRA killers?
A typical blurb popped up on the computer the other
day. Yet another news story concerning
the president’s massive new and rehashed list of restrictions and bans he
wishes to impose upon the citizens of this country, supposedly in the wake of
the terrible murders of children by a lone madman. Upon superficial
observation, the news story seemed to favor the president’s point of view. In
it, no one offers a rebuttal to the president’s promises.
First of course, they had to retell the horrors of the
murders, in case one person on earth had missed the 24/7 news coverage for the
last month. A troubled young man murders his mother in bed and then travels to
the classroom where she had worked, presumably to make his mother feel even
worse by killing the children in her classroom. He murders twenty innocent 6
year old kids, using the “High Powered Military Style Assault Weapon to Spray
bullets all over the place”. They always make it sound as if the murderer
killed his victims deader this way than if he had committed the despicable deed
by any other method.
And then the news story kinda forgets all about the man who
murdered, and shifts the cause of this tragedy to the tool used.
Forgets all about the man who murdered….
A man on the street is interviewed, and in no uncertain
terms, he demands that something be done to end “Gun Violence”.
A spokesperson from each of three organizations long
dedicated to banning guns is interviewed, and after an extensive Q&A
session, a consensus flows into the story. Americans have no right to own
firearms. The Second Amendment only applies to government militias, such as the
National Guard. A gun in the house is hundreds of times more dangerous to the
people living in the house than to any criminal who might break in. Nobody
needs a machine gun to go deer hunting. And “Military Style Assault Weapons”
must be banned, and then all handguns and rifles while we are at it, for
civilians have no need for these. Only the police and military should be
allowed firearms. If only one child is saved it will be worth it.
No one contradicts or questions the misinformation presented
by the gun ban spokespersons.
With only one column inch remaining to fill, the story turns
to the difficulty the president faces getting these desperately needed “common
sense” gun regulations passed into law. But horrors!!! The powerful “Gun Lobby”
is swinging into action to block him.
The “Gun Lobby” isn’t given an extensive Q&A session to
make its case against the president’s un-necessary regulations intended to punish
the people who don’t go around killing folks. The “Gun Lobby” isn’t actually
given a chance to say anything at all. For this is one debate that is strangely
one sided. The author of this piece did go to the trouble to paraphrase a bit
of what the “Gun Lobby” might have said if ever asked, carefully selected and
taken out of context to assure that anyone who has read this far will easily
conclude that the “Gun Lobby” is so extreme that they should be locked up for
their own protection, and of course for the protection of little kids.
And then the piece ends with a fervent wish that the
president will finally succeed in enacting legislation that will forever
protect people from “Gun Violence”.
Did you hear the ominous peal of thunder when the words “Gun
Lobby” appeared? Did you see the lights briefly flicker? Did horses whiney in
desperation in the distance? Did a wizard straight from central casting hold a
finger to his lips and caution about, “The name that must not be spoken”?
The National Rifle Association has become Lord Voldemort in
the gun control debate. The NRA has been painted as so virulently evil that any
mention of the organization leaves a metallic taste in many people’s mouths.
One wonders how the NRA has been allowed to exist, for it and it alone is
responsible for all those murders, all those ruined lives, all those holes in
the stop signs.
The camera focuses in on a demonstration, people carrying
signs against “Gun Violence”. “Save the Children” from the guns. And “Stop the
NRA”!!. It’s the NRA’s fault. Evil NRA. “How is your conscience, NRA?”
Back in the 1870’s the US Government was concerned about the
quality of men entering the army, for their marksmanship was not up to snuff.
So at the request of the US Government, the National Rifle Association formed
to teach marksmanship and conduct target shooting contests. To this day, the
NRA teaches marksmanship and conducts national contests.
The NRA began teaching firearms safety after the turn of the
last century, for accidental deaths were way too high. The rates of accidental
firearms related deaths have been dropping ever since. And the NRA is still the
primary reason for the continuing drop in accidental firearms related deaths.
And no, don’t expect to read this in the next media story.
The NRA has trained police officers for many decades, and
many live today because of this. The NRA has also trained countless civilians
in marksmanship and safety. The NRA has been the recognized world authority in
marksmanship and firearms safety. But, don’t expect……
In the mid 1930’s many things changed in this country. Long
story short, the plunge toward total government control began in that decade as
people willingly traded freedom for the comfort of government provided
security. Half way through the decade the Supreme Court decided against the
Second Amendment because a man with a winning case died before he could present
it, and the first serious erosion of the right to bear arms became law. And for
the first time, the National Rifle Association entered the fray against those
who would disarm the citizens.
The NRA has been fighting attacks on gun owners and the
Second Amendment since. Lies and
distortions, spoken by politicians and repeated and reinforced by media, became
the ground rules of this attack on citizens owning firearms. Massive propaganda
campaigns, like the current push by Obama and Feinstein, tried to sway public
opinion. Demonize a common firearm or component and then try to ban them. “Saturday
Night Special” “Cop Killer Bullet” “Plastic Guns” “Sniper Rifle” “Assault
Weapon” Ban them. The NRA fought these bans for they were based upon lies and distortion,
and merely demonized firearms so that large numbers of guns would be banned for
no reason. Handgun bans. Semiautomatic rifle bans. Self defense bans. Each
designed solely to disarm the public, to deny citizens their rights under the
Constitution. The NRA fought them all by telling the truth, and by educating
voters who had little other source of information save the inaccuracies, distortions
and outright lies presented in the media.
The politicians say that the NRA is evil, and that they, the
politicians, are the good guys. But they trample our Constitutional rights for
political gain, and the people suffer. An educated public demanded the truth,
and thus freedom won many times over corrupt politicians. Civilians with
firearms defended themselves millions of times from criminal attack, because
they still could. Citizens enjoyed their shooting hobbies and taught their
children to hunt in long standing family tradition. And the slide toward a
disarmed public facing corrupt government slowed.
The NRA has a few million members, far more than all gun ban
groups together, but by themselves they cannot defend freedom. The NRA has
money to spend in the congress and senate, but by themselves they cannot buy
freedom. Yet freedom keeps getting in the way of those who would trample it.
What is it about the NRA that angers the media and the politicians so? Could it
be that despite all they do to demonize the NRA, America still listens to that
voice of reason? For many more than the NRA’s 4 million members vote against
gun control and the politicians who foist it upon the public. Freedom persists
the old fashioned way. The citizens demand it.
One voice. One voice, that points out the lies of the media
and the politicians. One voice that opposes the propaganda campaigns. One voice
that alerts free Americans where to fight and when. One voice, without which
the average person would never see a side to the arguments that the media and
the politicians dare not present. Small wonder the media and the politicians
hate the NRA so, and desperately try to silence it.
This Lord Voldemort is not the evil it is painted. But it
stands solidly in the way of the media and the politicians, and so they must
try to destroy it.
Still, there are no NRA meetings in the prisons of America.
The NRA is not encouraging criminals to be criminals. Nope. The NRA keeps
asking the government to enforce its own laws, to catch and punish criminals
before it lights out after the innocent citizen, but this is too hard for our
government. Or…they just don’t care.
There are no NRA meetings on International Blvd in Oakland,
Sycamore Dr in Antioch, Cutter Blvd in Richmond. The gangs and murderers of the
hood don’t join the NRA. They kill each other off on a daily basis all by
themselves. They…are not the fault of the NRA.
A mass murderer steals a gun and kills random people. He
could have used so many other tools for his dastardly work. And if the
propaganda works, and the ambitious corruption in government wins, and the guns
dry up, he will simple choose another tool, and children will still die. And
the media will profit greatly reporting the murders over and over and over
again, to encourage yet the next generation of murderers. But those murderers still
will not belong to the NRA.
A woman who can sleep with a pistol under her pillow so she
won’t be raped again, can thank the NRA. A family that sleeps soundly because
nasty as they are, our criminals are reluctant to crash into an occupied home,
for the home owner could face him with a firearm can thank the NRA. A kid who
grows up in the forest seeking deer, rather than in a slum seeking crack…can
thank the NRA. And a cop who goes home after her shift, can thank the NRA.
Millions of Americans who awake to freedom each morning, can thank the NRA.
It’s only the enemies of freedom who think the NRA is Lord
So no…I don’t recall hearing of a mass shooting where the
murderer was a NRA member. Not ever. Now you might think I’m slipping off into
my usual paranoid rant, but … ah, don’t you figure the media would take note of
this and mention it, oh I don’t know, four thousand times a day, if they did
have one of these NRA member murderers? I think we’d hear about it.
I mean….. come on. The media already blames the NRA for
every one of these mass murders. Yet, I have it on good authority that the NRA
was not present at any of these murders.
Heck, I wasn’t either, but I’ve felt the heat, the scorn,
the thinly veiled hatred directed at me every time I listen to the TV
“reporting” or read a blurb on the net concerning the latest version of copycat
American gun owners!!! You know who you are!!! Count the bodies!!!! Gun violence, and it’s
the fault of America’s gun owners. Where is your conscience?
American gun owners. Nearly 100 million gun owners who are
not murderers, not criminals. Look what you and the NRA have done for good, and
for freedom.
How’s your conscience?