Saturday, July 27, 2013

Presidential Ambition

I expect you have followed the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman circus. How could you miss it? Despite the dearth of evidence that this was a racially motivated incident, did you notice the unrelenting pressure to turn it into one by elements of the media, one attorney general, and our president?

Don’t you wonder why our president is doing his level best to exploit this incident to perpetuate and expand the divide between the races in this country? 

Thanks to media manipulation, and the man himself, you, like everyone else now know that our president says he grew up like Trayvon Martin, broken family, near poverty, aimlessly wandering the streets nightly. Our president wants you to believe this. All this solely because of the pigment in his skin.

Some others have noted subtle differences between the childhoods of these two who could have been twins separated at birth.

Unlike Trayvon, maybe our president wasn’t caught with stolen items and burglary tools while he attended that exclusive, expensive prep school. You know…right before he went to the pricey Occidental College, and later the expensive Columbia University and the astronomically expensive Harvard Law School. Surely, Trayvon would have also done well at Harvard, given the same elite upbringing.

Maybe, unlike Trayvon, our president didn’t get suspended from school for using drugs. Maybe our president never bragged on social media to his friends about beating up a bus driver. But otherwise, our president and Trayvon no doubt grew up under exactly the same circumstances, so of course our president incites all those people who know in their hearts that the death of Trayvon was nothing more than the usual white guy kills black guy thing that happens ALL THE TIME, ya know.

Doesn’t matter that nobody knows what happened that night when Trayvon died. Ya don’t need to know what actually happened when you can believe in your heart that you already know what happened. This belief is called prejudice, and our president says he is opposed to prejudice…except for this time. And our president is bound and determined that every person of color in this country believes that Trayvon was murdered in cold blood, regardless of the evidence, and the white guy is always out to get them. And it doesn’t matter that George Zimmerman has less white stuff in his gene pool than…our president.

So the angry people pour into the streets, and the glass breaks and the fires start.

But…don’t you wonder why our president promotes this?

The shameless con men Sharpton and Jackson will get rich off a deal like the George/Trayvon circus, like they always do, but what is in it for our president? This isn’t about what the president can earn giving speeches after his second term ends, those fortunes like the Clintons are raking in. But what is the president’s motivation? Why is he COMMITTING HIS SECOND TERM to polarizing the country?

Don’t you wonder why our president chooses to lie so much as he maneuvers us toward the disarming of the American people? Sure, politicians lie all the time, so nothing special about this, but when the president lies about guns, which occurs whenever he speaks of them, don’t you wonder why he is so invested in this? He lies about crime rates. He lies about the guns he targets. He lies about the people he targets. And he even lies about why he wants to disarm the American people. Does he not have a legitimate argument?

Our president is obsessed with disarming America. Since the time not that long ago, when he allegedly was a professor of constitutional law at the U of Chicago, our president has argued that the Second Amendment included no individual right to keep and bear arms, and through his entire, albeit short and forgettable political career, he has at every opportunity voted against the freedoms protected by the Second Amendment. But now he lies and says he supports the Second Amendment as he tries to negate it. Who is he trying to fool? 

And why?

Our president has had pictures taken whilst he “enjoys skeet shooting at Camp David”, which was laughable in its connived posing. But he has shown his true colors when campaigning, arguing that only those fools over there who cling to their religion and guns, opposed his reelection. He was right about that part, except it’s not just those fools who oppose him. It’s not just the Americans who value their religion and their freedom to own firearms who oppose him.

Religious folks and gun owners are a big target for our president. And the movie stars and the media just love to dump on them, too. The movie stars and media help our president whenever they can. This could be funny when you realize they will be the first to go, when…

Don’t you wonder why our president is shamelessly exploiting the murders of little children In Connecticut? 

Our president seemed so delighted when innocent little children died. Our president considers this rare tragedy a once in a lifetime opportunity. His entire political party instigated a feeding frenzy when this killing took place, calling it a “make hay while the sun shines” gift from the gods. Over forty antigun laws were proposed in California alone, all by democrat lawmakers, when this opportunity presented itself.

Our president needs such tragedy, and now he revels in it. For our president knows he must disarm the people before….

Don’t you wonder about a president who wrote a book about how he must rearrange the country to make things right, because America is so wrong, long before he came into the position where he could do just that? Try not to worry about the parallels with that Austrian corporal who did the same thing with Mein Kampf. Sure, that guy steered the German people just a bit wrong, but I’m sure our president will do a better job. He is confident he will. And if he plays his cards right, like Germany in the thirties, America won’t even try to stop him.

Don’t you wonder when our president declares war on firearms and the people who own them, but when the mention of the brainwashing of our youth, the desensitization of our children by the unrelenting violence in media, movies, and video games, the actual cause of so many of the mass public killings in the last thirty years, he goes strangely silent. When the evidence has been screaming for decades that we are creating generations of children who cannot discern between normal feelings and behavior, and the lifestyle of mass killings and various other violences, our president says nothing.  Nothing. It’s almost as if he hopes that more mass public killings will take place.

Don’t you wonder why our president blames the tool when a child goes on a killing spree, and ignores the wielder of the tool who has been brainwashed into senseless, remorseless violence?

And if this seems eerily like the training of the Hitler Youth in the 1930’s, well you must be a mite paranoid.

Imagine if the violence breaks out, driven by that racial divide our president promotes. And when our president deliberately harms our economy, time and again, so that he can continue to blame others for the mess he creates. He promises benefit that government cannot afford to give, turning America into Greece. The time comes that the victimized masses pour into the streets, so betrayed and harmed by the government they trusted and relied upon. Things fall completely apart so terribly that the only fix that will hold the republic together will be the martial law that our president declares. So then he must suspend the Constitution, and build the camps to hold all those who oppose, and the people object only to find a soul less army of our own children leading them into the camps……

Don’t you wonder why our president seems to be deliberately building toward a crisis in this country that he and his minions can only solve by ending the American way of life? Our president has always despised the American way of life. If our president surprises you when he does this, then you haven’t been paying attention.

This has never been about what the president will do to get rich during his retirement. He is not another Bubba. He has no interest in retiring and he’s not worried about his library. Right now he is behaving as if he sees himself as ordained, and he has more work to do.

When the next happens, when our president gets his wish and the racial protests turn into the race riots, and when the demonstrations peopled by those betrayed by unfulfilled government promises turn into mass demonstrations, and then martial law and the forced disarming of the American people leads to history repeating itself, you won’t have to wonder why our president did all this. Then when we realize how wrong this all has been, and how wrong we have been to allow this…. 

We’ll get to go back to the beginning and make it all right again.    

Friday, July 19, 2013

Content of Character

Barack Hussein Obama

Ya got that right, Mr. President. He could have been.

Thirty five years ago, you were attending an exclusive prep school, and your grandparents, who were rearing you and paying for that expensive schooling, would have been actively trying to keep you out of trouble.

Now imagine this was Trayvon. This likely would have worked. And thus….Trayvon would probably not have been actively expanding his misbehaviors, and he likely would still be alive.

We need people like this in the White House to tell us of such things. I guess.

So listen up people!!!

Don’t let your teenage boys run wild in the streets! Put them all in expensive prep schools and watch them every minute, and handpick their friends so they don’t follow said friends down the path to an early death. Do like the president’s family did. Don’t do like Trayvon’s family did.

Oh, the president didn’t say that last bit? Well, maybe he should have.

Oh, and I have no problem believing that when you, Mr. President, were a teenager, from time to time folks followed you through the department store to make sure you weren’t stealing stuff. You claim that this happened solely because you have dark skin. OK. Maybe that’s how it happened.

When that lady followed me around in the drug store in my hometown when I was a teenager, it was to make sure I wasn’t stealing stuff. She followed every teenager who wandered aimlessly around that store. She had good reason, because the teenagers in our little town would have cleaned off the shelves.

All those teenagers in my little town were of the lily white variety, so the lady didn’t follow them around because of the tint of their skin. I guess those people following our president in his youth had other reasons than the lady in that drug store. He thinks so.

I therefore have no reason to spend much of my time complaining about my lot in life, while wiling away my time in the White House. Like the president does.

Apparently, 300,000,000 people in this country claim to know what happened that rainy dark night in Florida when that young man died. Put the president on that long list, for he clearly is an expert on the night’s events. Everybody knows what happened. Except they don’t.

Only two people were actually there that night. And only one of them is talking. If no one else was there, don’t ya wonder how everybody knows what happened? But boy, they act like they know, and they can’t stop talking about it. But every one of those 300,000,000 people was somewhere different, doing something other, when Zimmerman and Martin were making decisions, and perhaps making their mistakes. The president wasn’t there. The attorney general wasn’t there, either.

I wasn’t there, so I’m not going to talk of my opinion of what happened that night. I have no right to even have an opinion. What happened that night happened on the dark side of the moon as far as I am concerned.

300,000,000 other people have no right to claim anything more than an opinion of what happened that night. That would include you, Mr. President. And if they think they know what happened simply because they KNOW what happened, regardless which side they support, well maybe they should look deeper into their own prejudice and their own racism. And that would include you, Mr. President, and your lackey, Mr. Holder.

Too many people are promoting racism these days. Nobody gains by them promoting racism, except those few in public life who further their political agenda this way. Everyone else loses. So thank you very much Mr. President, for making life just a little bit harder for everyone who truly wish that we could judge folks by their character rather than their skin color. Yeah, you just pulled out that famous quote for your own use today. More’s the pity that you clearly don’t know what that quote means.