Friday, November 18, 2011

Nov 18,2011

I’m not even gonna apologize if this comes across as grumpy. This has been the week for getting used to the way the country is going to be. And I’m just about ready to make my reservation on the bridge. I figure lots of decent folks will be jumping with me, and I will want to book an early departure. Once all these people are gone, the feces will really hit the fan, for who will pay for the entitlements then?

The occupation is dragging on, and not everyone is thrilled with this. Some wish that the filthy mobs would just go home. And a few cities have reached and passed their tolerance for this nonsense. But the shouting begins as soon as the authorities step in to clean up the mess.

Civil rights are trampled across the nation, if you believe the hype. Imagine, peaceful civil disobedience crushed by excessive police force. What has become of the nation when peaceful exercise of 1st amendment rights brings down the rain of police brutality? But one question, and then maybe I’ll shut up….

How big do the rocks have to be, ya know…the ones the “peaceful” demonstrators are throwing at the police, before a demonstration can no longer be labeled as peaceful? Cause some of these rocks were kinda large. And while we are on the subject…all the unfortunate people those demonstrators put out of work when they forced the closure of small businesses in the neighborhoods they are degrading with their squalid shanties, filth, and ranting…would this simply be collateral damage, perfectly justified casualties of the revolution? Has anybody asked those collateral victims how they feel about a bunch of career anarchists and troublemakers ruining the lives they once enjoyed?

These ragged demonstrations are destroying small businesses, but the demonstrators don’t care about that. But why should they? The guy they want to re-elect as president doesn’t much care if he runs every small business into the ground. Small businesses stand firmly in the way of the America he wishes to create. He disregards people who can think and work for themselves. He needs the people who are accustomed to and prefer government control.

The radical Left needs to make a point, for they must show Obama that they can carry the election after the Republicans recapture the center of the electorate that is so nauseated by the guy’s intentions. Which plays right into Obama’s supporters plan.

Wander around a bit through the “progressive” blogs on the net, and get a whiff of your future if these people succeed in tearing down our country. They aren’t even trying to hide their Marxist roots anymore. Most are very confident in their president and his agenda.

You folks can go on line right now, if ya want, and donate to a fund that will supply cold weather clothing so these protestors can continue their rant against capitalism well into the winter. Doesn’t that warm the cockles of your heart? And the unions will be helping all they can to deliver this clothing, because they want to see that guy re-elected, too.

Check out    the occupy supply link.

They tell us that we need to redistribute the wealth, ya know. Make it fair. For everybody. Stop letting the rich punishing those folks who aren’t rich. It’s not their fault. Must be somebody else’s fault, for surely somebody must be at fault.

The American dream has been redefined by America’s enemies into the myth of:  “anybody who works hard will become rich”. And how few actually make that cut? Make the dream a myth and America becomes the myth. I remember it a little differently. I remember a version that stated that anybody who works hard can become rich. This subtle difference has been brought to you by the entitlement folks. The make-it-fair, everybody-the-same, folks. The Marxists.

They claim the new version of the American dream is bogus, which of course it is, the way they state it, and that this is simply an excuse for the haves to oppress those at the lower end of the sliding scale. They claim that if folks are poor it’s not because they are lazy or stupid. Oh no! It’s because of those people with all the money keeping them down. We may have the richest poor people in the world, but somebody is doing better than them, and that ain’t fair.

Well, I’m no expert, and I certainly haven’t met every singe poor person in American, but I have met a pot full of poor people. And I’ll even let the entitlement folks define “poor” for this argument. Pick a number. Doesn’t matter to my argument.

The poor people I’ve met are a bit harder to define than the Marxists would like. Some of them are victims of bad circumstances, and of things well beyond their control. The various illnesses and injuries that take people out of the game come into play. And some folks have legitimately been screwed by others and left in the dust. But the vast majority of poor people don’t fall into these categories.

The vast majority aren’t lazy or stupid either. Those are the Marxists words for what they think folks like me might say.

What I might say is that a fair percentage of poor people end up poor because of an unrelenting series of really bad decisions they have made through their lives. I’m not saying lazy, but I am laying blame. And this is not anybody else’s fault.

And some poor people are truly poorly equipped in the talent and intelligence departments, (if you can call Bush stupid, I can say this) and they simply cannot compete. 

And a lot of the rest have simply chosen not to vigorously play the game of life, because they are not interested. They simply don’t care. They are happy with their path. And more power to them. No one should be taking shots at these folks, just so long as they realize that the guy in the mirror knows why they are where they are.

This prompts me to ask…since the Marxists demand that society become equal, that all wealth must be redistributed, that all those people at the bottom simply need to be provided with the wealth stolen from them by the rich, and all would be right with the world. And of course, they get to define who the rich people might be, as well. So after the revolution, when the top is dragged down and the bottom nets the riches, what next?

Maybe paradise? It’s been tried many times before. Didn’t happen anywhere yet, but if they keep trying…maybe. Maybe you can bring the bottom up to meet the top.

More likely you fail to bring the bottom up to meet the top, but instead simply bring the top down to meet the bottom. Maybe ya give the wealth to the bad decision makers, the folks so lacking in any real talent, and those who don’t much care. That would be true redistribution. What then? What do they do with this new wealth? Just maybe they change the world. Or not. And this is what the Marxists want. For then they end up in control, either way. And weep for the poor all you wish, but it is power and control that is the goal of these folks.

Most likely, that wealth simply dribbles away. And the folks on the bottom remain on the bottom. And everybody loses. Oh, except America’s enemies.

Yeah, that’s what we need.


I’m waiting for the vermin from the occupy Oakland pestilence to migrate up to Vallejo to protest the arrest of that criminal yesterday. All he did was rob a bank and shoot a cop in the back, killing him. Banks and cops. Enemies of the PEOPLE.

This enemy of the PEOPLE served his country in the marines, his state in the highway patrol, and his city in their police department. He leaves a wife, three kids, plus the children he adopted when two friends passed away. Loved and respected by everyone he met. I’m sick to my core.

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