Monday, May 7, 2012


I really should stop doing this. Which this, you might wonder? Well, in this case I was wandering aimlessly around the folder in my computer that somehow hangs on to all those newspaper columns I wrote during that brief ten year stint as a “local interest” freelancer. Bumping into those archived random thoughts just gets me stirred up all over again.

The low angle sun filtered through a verdant canopy of trees surrounding our trailer on a quiet Saturday AM. Steam lifted slowly above the coffee cup waiting on the table next to the computer. A hint of breeze fresh off the sea tiptoed in through one window and out the other. The thick flannel shirt was a perfect choice. And the drum line of woodpeckers scattered through the forest lent short staccato riffs, pitch dependent upon the diameter of the dead trees they were ventilating.

A full battery in the computer meant I had some time to meander through the electronic memory, which frankly is much better than my own. I do this sometimes. Re-read columns I wrote years ago. Most I haven’t seen in a while, and many I don’t even remember. Some were forgettable, and perhaps I should delete a few, but I won’t. You should own up to your mistakes as well as enjoy the good times. Something over 500 essays in that folder, and they can’t all be good, but each once meant something more than just meeting a deadline. 

I haven’t read many of these columns since I wrote them. Like old friends, I am pleasantly reunited with a few memories. Others are like waking up in the quiet dark late at night, cold sweat and trembling, bad dream or bad reality. This morning I found one of these.

Remember early in the two thousands when Hillary Clinton morphed into a native born Yankees fan solely so she could run for the US Senate from the great state of New York? This was shortly after they had to drag her out of the White House kicking and screaming when her beloved hubby timed out. I hear you can still see the marks her fingernails left in the woodwork near the backdoor. The Senate would be her stepping stone to her birthright, the presidency. Hillary always wanted to be the czar rather than remain as Rasputin, the real boss but without the title. 

But in New York State, she would first have to defeat the odds on favorite, former mayor of the only city of note in America, Rudy Giuliani. Post 911 hero and all around charming fellow, Giuliani should have walked into the job. Except for that pesky prostate tumor, which forced him out of the race. Hillary trumped the empty suit that ran in Giuliani’s stead.

Anyway, I wrote a column way back then, a sorry tale of the fear and desperation I felt at the realization that Hillary would now have a real opportunity to become president. I figured she wouldn’t run seriously against Bush in 04, but that she would be a shoe-in by 08. And if she were elected then, we’d see major change in this country. A Hillary presidency would be my worst nightmare coming true. All those promises she’d make that were lies to the gullible designed solely to put the woman I called “The Harpy” in charge of this country. Socialized medicine, gun control, reckless foreign policy, more government interference in every aspect of our lives, the beginning of the end of individual rights and freedoms for the sake of “society”.  

You can imagine my relief when Obama beat Hillary in the primary before the 08 race. Rasputin was smote. The worst threat to freedom in decades defeated by that kid. I figured the worst he could do was parade forth the usual Democrat pabulum of government gifts to attract the union, minority, and lazy voters. What real harm could he do to the nation? 

And I went back to hoping that the Republicans would nominate someone, anyone who wasn’t a religious zealot or a total sellout to a few massive industries, so at least we could have had an interesting race. And they nominated another empty suit (and the biggest target ever made available for Media ambush.)

So Obama was easily elected, and he brought us socialized medicine, his virulent hatred of the Second Amendment, radical liberal justices to the Supreme Court, an anti-American foreign policy, and government intrusion with the intent to eliminate individual rights and freedom and assure his puppet masters enduring control over this country.

There may be a lesson in this. Be careful what ya ask for would be a start. 

The guy is run by the most corrupt political organization in recent memory, that mob that controls the cesspool of Chicago and thus the state of Illinois. His closest friends and advisors are radically anti-American, communists, racists, or crooks. And yet some voters still have not figured out why he set up our next few generations with debt that they will never be able to pay down. He has crippled the nation for the sake of short term political gain, and the harm he could bring with a second term staggers the imagination. 

In his mind, the new middle class will all work for the government, with benefits and pensions aplenty to keep them happy. These folks will ensure the perpetuation of his mob’s rule, right up until the money truly runs out. Then we get Greece. Here. Riots in the streets. Marshall law. Totalitarian rule. And no, Germany won’t try to bail us out. America, as only a fading memory. 

Yeah, but it was nice while it lasted.

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