Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stop Obama

I’ve never felt that it is my job as a commentator on the human condition to make any suggestions on how folks should vote. I like this thing we call the American republic. Our version of democracy has worked out pretty well for a couple of hundred years, and that means we all have a voice. So I’ve let people make their own choices, even when I think they are out of their minds.

Americans changed the world when we invented this form of government. And flawed as we are, we have beaten down true evil in the guise of dictators, kings, nazis, communists, militarists, and radical islamists. We’ve been the good guys for a long time, for we stand up against folks who by any definition are the bad guys. 

This system is not perfect. It is prone to abuse because it offers freedom, which means some find the freedom to abuse that very freedom. It is prone to complacency due to its success. And it allows laziness, entitlement, and corruption simply because we allow most anything in the name of freedom. Freedom has always been its own worst enemy, for it lets those who detest freedom the right to attempt to conquer it.

But this is our system, and we should love it and protect it, for this is about the freedom of the individual in a collective. No other system of government in history gives a rat’s ass for the freedom of the individual. The alternatives offer nothing but loss of individual freedom and eventual oppression in the guise of calming the collective.

When somebody comes along promising to improve the collective at the expense of the individual, well you can forget any semblance of individual freedom… but welcome to the anthill. And low and behold, the somebody who promised a happy anthill has always become the emperor, dictator, king, fuhrer, imam. That’s how it has always worked out in the history of the world, and nothing has changed.

And that is why we need to put a halt to that Obama guy, and to those who put him in charge.
When I was writing for the paper, and I took some shots at Obama and his corruption, many commented that I was a tea party drone, and thus not worthy of oxygen, much less an audience.

Well, just for the record…I’ve been a registered democrat since I turned 21 in 1970. Every single year since then. I thought that Nixon was evil incarnate, and I’ve been made uncomfortable by most everything the republicans have done for those forty some years. I don’t like the abuse of Americans by big business, and I think that that version of religion that has adopted the republican party is harmful, if not evil.

So there…

For the record, I have voted against the democrats pretty much consistently since my last egregious mistake when I voted for Jimmy Carter. I have not voted FOR someone since that mistake, but instead have voted against, for my fears have overtaken my hopes ever since. And I haven’t voted for a democrat since that episode.

I grew up in the shadow of Mayor Daley in Chicago. This system was evil incarnate, and it was allowed to function within the freedom we call our way of life. The good mayor was elected time after time, for that is our system. And once elected he ruled without compromise. 

The people who worked within the unions were decent folks. They enjoyed a certain exemption from responsibility, but they were simple people who didn’t understand the bigger picture. Those who ran the unions were criminals by any definition, and they prospered by selling the union vote to Mayor Daley. And all those dead people who voted for Mayor Daley were just following the directions given them from above. Those opposed to Mayor Daley failed to prosper, and sometimes simply died. Funny how that worked out. And when they got John Kennedy elected to the presidency, they had total control. And those who think that organized crime got Kennedy killed, well they weren’t far wrong. Chicago politics was the furhrer in American, but nobody seemed to care. 

Mayor Daley finally died, which put an end to his personal corruption, but the people who benefited from that corruption persevered. They kept the corruption going. And they got Obama elected. Those who claim the man never had a job overlook that period when he paid his dues to the organization by “organizing” poor Black folks to vote for the corruption. Obama was a cog in the machine that perpetuated the corruption.

Obama has a nice smile, and he says all the right things and he comes across as a nice guy who is out to help folks. And he is DAMNED good at this. He is a natural, the perfect candidate, a dream to the folks who support him. That is why the corruption made this opportunity for him. He came out of nowhere, because this benefited the corruption. None of this is a surprise. But he is there to promote the corruption, and that is why we need to stop him.

The republican opposition are idiots. They favor corruption in large industry and banking, and they need to be stopped. They favor social nonsense, and would ban abortion and gay marriage. They are fools and deserve no consideration. 

So why will I vote against Obama, and urge you with considerable passion to stop this man?

It’s pretty simple. If the republicans win, we might lose gay marriage and abortion. And the corruption that is large business will run amuck for a while. But in time we can fix this. Lose abortion and gay marriage, and many will suffer, but this can be corrected in time.

Let Obama and his supporters get their way, and we may never get our country back. The corruption that is organized crime and Chicago politics may rule over us. The corruption and organized criminal enterprise that passes for world government may finally turn us into the anthill instead of the voice of freedom that has always stood in the way of this. And yeah, he might really be the key that opens the door to world domination by islam. Think those folks will go for women’s rights or gay marriage?

Answer only one question…

If we lose abortion or gay rights, might we ever get this back. Well yeah. just go out there and get it.

If we lose the second amendment, and the government disarms America…will we ever get this back?
Well, heck no. Go out and get it with…what?

That is Obama and the people who put him there. It’s time we stop him before there is no time. To me, it’s as simple as that. Vote the lessor of evil, or never vote again.

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