Friday, July 22, 2011

Ungrateful Bustard part II

Another old column. This goes with the column just below.

No fair tossing the thing aside because you grew confused or angry in the first three paragraphs, or felt hurt by that deliberate assault. It is important that we are all exposed to differing points of view, for the world is a complicated place, and not everyone agrees on whether the sun goes round the earth, or the other way around. Ya know, the glass can be half empty, or half full. And some people are born half black and half white. It all depends upon perception.

I’ve read some of Steven Thrasher’s other essays, and I can assure you that he is in fact the virulent racist that he appears to be. He flat hates white people and what he calls their culture, and he doesn’t mind using vile insults and dirty words to express that hatred. He seems to be trying to pass as black and he has adopted quite a few colloquializations one would normally associate with black culture. Which all is a bit odd I suppose, cause if you can believe the picture of him that I found, he is kinda white. Or maybe half?

He is entitled to his perspective, and likely is celebrated for it, because although most of them white folks have learned to suppress their racism, and rightly so, overt racism directed against those same white folks is not only accepted these day, but it is almost obligatory in the arts, the media, and in some of the neighborhoods.

Of course, according to Thrasher, white people did not lose their racism, and in his mind that is actually still the primary function of the white brain, or as he describes it, the “lizard part”. Presumably, he believes that every single white person wanted President Obama to lose, and voted against him simply because of his skin color. So of course, when our president was elected the entire white population collectively went insane. And when Obama asked for help as he tried to socialize healthcare, explode the national debt, nationalize industries, or surrender our national sovereignty, the only reason white people tried to stop him was because his skin was dark.

Thrasher insists that white people also now collectively hate dark skinned immigrants, (Thrasher graciously identifies these as Mexicans, just in case we are too stupid to get his point) but that apparently only began when the economy tanked, and not years earlier when massive illegal immigration became such a problem. Because suddenly the palefaces felt threatened by said brown skinned people.

Now, if you are reading this, and you have white skin, you might wonder about Thrasher’s conclusions, and you might even be offended by them, but don’t worry. You won’t be changing Thrasher’s mind on any of this. You will simply grow older, and then you can discover that he hates old folks, too. And if you are an old person, and you object to watching the country you helped to build being systematically torn down, and you resent having all you worked a lifetime to accumulate taken away to support people who didn't bother, well if you object, according to Thrasher, you only object because of skin color. So shame on you, you crazy white people.

Don't know how to break this to Thrasher, but some white people did vote for Obama. On purpose. No doubt a few voted against him because of his skin, but some voted for him simply because of his color, too. And other white people voted for him because they wanted to see the changes he proposed. And for these white folks, skin color did not enter the decision process at all. Many might even think that although Obama has dark skin, he acts more white than Mr. Thrasher.

I haven't asked, so I don't know if Thrasher cares that many black people voted for Obama simply because of his skin color, although he was outraged when Dr Laura mentioned this. Certainly many voted for Obama because of his policies. And I have spoken with black people who voted against Obama, because of those same policies.

Seems that not all white people fit Thrasher's mold, and neither do all black people. But, there is a reason why some will throw entire populations of people into definable groups, and that would be to demonize them. This is how we invent enemies. And as I have said many times before...if we didn't have enemies, we wouldn't need leaders.

Consider the plummet in value of a Steven Thrasher if he wasn't so good at demonizing those white people. Think anybody would read his stuff? Would any Moslem listen to Bin Laden if he didn't convince them that Westerners are their enemy? And would Hitler have had his ardent followers if he hadn't convinced them that everyone, and especially the Jews, were out to get them?

Remember that word that annoyed me so much last week?


A politician, or an author, or a community organizer, or a religious leader comes along and tells folks that they are entitled to this or that, and these people buy into that notion And then the politician or author or community organizer or religious leader tells them that those other folks over there are in the way. These people do not make these accusations to actually help anyone, but to empower themselves. They are trying to divide society, not to unite it, and certainly not to heal it. That is however, the process that nets us some of the scariest leaders in history.

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